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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 2: Hamburger

  1. Introduce "Hamburger" organiser (see Learning task 1).
  2. In groups write and then read great introductions, allowing for peer assessment and suggestions, from child or teacher-generated topics.
  3. Teacher reads books, pamphlets, etc. on possible speech topics to the class. Model, work in groups and individually to develop topic layers (main ideas only). Using these, work on appropriate conclusions.
  4. Have the Toast Master president visit class to motivate and inform and introduce idea of table topics.
  5. Quick-bee table topics, using "Hamburger" thinking ( minute (RTF 135KB) ). One minute about " ___________", using choice (RTF 740KB) based on Toastmaster model.

Published on: 08 Apr 2009
