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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 6 - A progression of ideas

Learning intention(s)

Students will be able to:

  • Explain how a progression of images and text can develop and communicate complex ideas.
  •  Explain which visual techniques you will use to communicate ideas and how these work.

a) An effective way to communicate complex ideas is to start off simple and add detail and explanation as you go. Your audience or readers are more likely to understand complex ideas if they are communicated in a progression - starting out simple and adding necessary detail as the text progresses. Visual expositions are particularly good for this as you are able to show a progression of shots or panels (one after another) to build up the audience’s understanding of your reading of the ideas from the source text.

Each panel may be composed of a number of images and text and can be divided into distinct parts. Within these parts you can plan the progression of a number of different ideas which all contribute to your thematic focus. NOTE: refer back to the exemplar and its annotation for more on its four main parts: background, foreground, sky and text.

b) Part of the challenge with communicating complex ideas is to figure out what simple idea to start with and then how you can compose your panels and use visual language techniques to fully communicate the various meanings and ideas.

Consider what progression of images from panel to panel you could use to best develop meaning. Don’t worry too much about how you will produce these images, just imagine the most ideal images you would have in it.

Consider how the “Romeo and Juliet” exemplar uses the following techniques and decide how you will use:

  • Dominant images for your panels - what will you use here?
  • Background colours or scenes - what mood and other meanings do you want to communicate in each panel and overall? Is there a change in the course of the source text and then in your visual exposition? What colours will you use for your text?
  • Visual symbolism - what things, that your viewers will understand, can you use to stand for some of the important ideas from the source text?

Complete the tutorial and planning template on “ Planning for a progression of ideas (Word 49KB) .”

Published on: 20 Aug 2011
