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Learning task 1

Activate prior knowledge

  1. Brainstorm with students to find out what they already know about cancer in general and bowel cancer in particular. Ask students if they know about people getting cancer in their family/ country. For students who have studied the human digestive system at Level 1 some reference to a diagram could trigger some background information. Use a graphic organiser such as a spider map In ESOL online there are other ideas for activating prior knowledge.

Pre-teach vocabulary

  1. Cut up a sheet of keyvocab (Word 55KB) and get students to do word clusters. This activity helps students to access unknown vocabulary, clarify meanings and make connections with word groups by learning from others. It should be done at the beginning of a unit and also again at the end.
  2. Students work together in small groups arranging the words in groups and then giving the group a label.
  3. Students should be told that there is no one correct way of arranging the words and that there can be a 'don't know' category.
  4. When finished encourage each group to explain and justify their groupings.

Understanding text structure and content

  1. Read together the  Bowel Cancer New Zealand information on bowel cancer. The objective is to give the students content information about bowel cancer using some of the vocabulary already encountered. It is important to give students the opportunity to listen to the correct pronunciation (read at a slower rate for ESOL students) but also to have the opportunity to read themselves. Students could highlight key and unfamiliar vocabulary and later list it and look up the meanings for homework.
  2. Complete the ClozeExercise (Word 40KB) , which is designed to help students become familiar with vocabulary used in articles about Bowel Cancer.
  3. Complete the Three level Guide (Word 50KB) . This activity helps students to focus on what the text means at a factual level, to interpret what the writer means and then make generalisations by evaluating ideas and arguments. Students work through the guide on their own. Next, in pairs or small groups, they share and discuss their responses. Students need to be encouraged to explain their answers and justify their views.
  4. Complete the StructuredOverview-The Big C (RTF 1MB) , which helps students to think about relationships between terms used about bowel cancer. Information about structured overview as a teaching strategy can be found in the ESOL online website.
  5. Use this WritingFrame (Word 47KB) to help students to write their own report about factors that make it more likely that you will get bowel cancer. This sheet has two versions, one for more able students and another more scaffolded version for students who need more help. Students will need access to the structured overview completed above and also the information sheet on Bowel Cancer from above. The purpose of this exercise is to give students practice at reading text closely and expressing answers in the passive voice which is appropriate for this kind of report. It also gives students the opportunity to recognise factual descriptive language and technical or scientific terms which are language features they will encounter in 4 below. Teachers may prefer to do this exercise after looking at the language features.

Language features

  1. Introduce the Language Features required to analyse the texts.
  2. See LanguageFeatures (Word 39KB) . Cut out the rectangles and put them into envelopes then get students in small groups to put them together again under the headings:- word, definition, example, effect. They will need a copy of this sheet at the end of the lesson so that they can take it home to learn.
  3. To give further familiarisation with the terms teachers could use UniversalBingo (Word 37KB) . There is also useful material about language features online, eg.
    1. Simile and metaphor
    2. Direct speech
    3. Noun phrases
  4. Give out Recognising Language Features (Word 39KB) for students to see if they can recognise some of the features they have learnt about in [a] above.

Understanding the context of texts

  1. Run off several copies of the sheet contexts (Word 24KB) .
  2. Cut them out and put all the pieces into envelopes.
  3. In small groups the students should try to put the words and their meanings together correctly. They should use dictionaries to help if they don't know the meanings. The objective is to familiarise the students with terms used in the assessment.
  4. Teachers could use universal bingo again here.

Learning task 2: Close reading

Close reading of selected texts to explore the language used to describe characters, settings, problems and solutions. Focus on:

  •  What happened?
  •  What happened first? next? last? etc.
  •  Why did it happen?
  •  What words were used to describe the action?


  •  Where did the story take place?
  •  What was the setting?
  •  Can you picture the setting in your mind?
  •  When did the story take place?
  •  What words were used to describe the setting?


  •  Who were the main characters?
  •  What do you think they looked like?
  •  What words were used to describe each character?
  •  How would you describe the nature of each character?


  •  How did the story begin?
  •  What was the lead sentence?
  •  Did it "hook" you in to the story?
  •  What was the problem?
  •  How was the problem resolved?

Students and teacher select an extract from a narrative they have read and enjoyed. In small groups they read this aloud and talk about why this extract was chosen to share. It is sometimes beneficial to have boys and girls working in gender groupings as boys are more likely to contribute to discussions about books that interest them.

Develop charts which describe:

  •  Characters
  •  Settings
  •  Plot
  •  Problem and resolution

Continue to add to these charts throughout the unit (provides a very good basis for students when they write in narrative form).

Learning task 1: Introduction

Personal reading

Read as many narrative texts as possible to the students and discuss the structure of these when appropriate (but not to the detriment of the students' enjoyment during the first reading of the story). Have the students share a range of fiction – favourite sophisticated picture books, novels, and authors with the class.

Book selling

Teachers can arouse students' interest in books by introducing books they have enjoyed and reading extracts from them. As students finish their books, provide opportunities for them to promote books by "book selling" them. Other students will often want to read the book as well. When "book selling", encourage students to:

  • discuss the storyline
  • recount the events of the story
  • identify the main parts of the story
  • read an extract from the book
  • talk about a character and the character's actions in the story
  • talk about any controversial or thought-provoking aspects
  • talk about the images in the book
  • express a personal opinion.

Have the students keep a reading_log (RTF 10KB) and complete a retrieval (RTF 16KB) on four narratives they have read during the unit.

Author sharing time

Invite authors and illustrators to share and discuss their work with your class. Have students plan questions to ask in advance of the author visit.

Exploring language

Explore the language of narrative through shared, guided, and independent reading. How does the language help us learn about aspects of the story such as characters and setting? Question and talk about author's choice of language (words and phrases) to convey a message.

Learning task 3: Characterisation and storytelling

Direct Speech and Characterisation

Students select a character from a narrative they have read and write an explosion chart about their character. In small groups share and explain reasons for choices and the language used to describe their character.

Students work in pairs or small groups and role-play an extract from a book they have read. Explore the language of direct speech then create a situation and have the students role-play what they think the characters would say in this situation.

Provide photos, drawings, and illustrations from magazines or newspapers. Students select two or more characters. What might these two characters be saying to each other? Write the conversation using speech bubbles.

Students draw a character and write an explosion chart describing this character. Pair up with someone else and write and role play what these two characters might say to each other. Write the imagined conversation using speech bubbles.

Create a situation and list the characters. Ask the students to role play or draw and write speech bubbles of the conversation between two of these characters (for example an old person, a child, a teenager, someone in hospital, two opposing sports people, an actor). Make a cartoon strip to sequence the events leading up to and following the conversation.

Oral Story Telling

Model oral story telling to the students.

Invite a "story teller" to the class to entertain as well as demonstrate the art of story telling. Invite parents, members of the community, teachers in the school to read or tell a story to the students.

Provide opportunities for the students to practise story telling (see Student Directed Theatre from the Writing for Publication unit).

Introduce a regular story-telling time. Set up a "buddy" story-telling system with another class in the school (perhaps with younger students in the school).

Visual Imagery in Story Telling

Encourage students to think about:

  • What did the characters look like?
  • How did they make you feel?
  • How did they behave?
  • What are some of the details, which help to paint a vivid picture in your mind?

Encourage students to "zoom in" to get a close-up look at the main characters. If the students can create a vivid picture of the characters and the setting in their minds they can remember the story more easily.

Provide opportunities for the students to experiment with dialogue. Teacher begins an original or well-known story and, moving around the group the students add to and complete the story. The group is in a circle (for students who are reluctant to participate, introduce a "stress ball" or a "talking stick" - any long stick will do).

Interview a character from a well-known book. Work in pairs, one to be the character the other the reporter. The reporter asks questions, related to the story. This interaction can be taped and played back to the class at a later date or used as an activity in the learning centre.

Drama resource – Storytelling : Storytelling is one of the simplest and perhaps most compelling forms of dramatic and imaginative activity. This website offers a set of strategies and techniques, including video clips, on how to work with students to engage in the art of storytelling.
