Tamaki College is a decile 1, state, co-educational school. The majority of the students are from Māori or Pasifika backgrounds. The introduction of netbooks for all students, and the move to a Google Docs environment, raised a need to individualise the learning programmes planned for each student. This meant knowing where each student was in terms of the curriculum levels and where they needed help to progress.
Technology allows the flexibilty to provide differentiated programmes - this is exemplified in these ways:
Video clip: Head of English department (HoD) overview
Video clip: Head of English Department (HoD) choices
Published on: 25 Oct 2012
Christine's class has a range of strengths and weaknesses but their abilities are in a relatively narrow range. Those needs need to be addressed to enable the class to move along the curriculum progressions.
Gerard's class has a wide range of ability from students who are performing at the national mean (according to asTTle) to some who are two full levels below. This means that each student has different needs and requires individual attention.