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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.



When we have a lesson like today, we're actually teaching them a skill. We can use the students' own work, which is far more relevant. And you're actually using their words and their things, so they can relate to it. And also you're more likely to hit on the exact issue or area for improvement that they need to improve on.

Today for your 'do now', what we're working on is we're looking at your biographical reports that you wrote last week, your four paragraphs. Netbook users, you can go to the page that is 'biological writing feedback' page, and you can find the 'do now' information there. The rest of you, the information is there for you to do it on the board.

The sentences that are up there are your own work, but some of the information has been changed so you can't identify the person who wrote it. Your job is to look at those sentences and figure out how each one can be improved.

Student 1:
We are on Google Sites, and we type in English 9TBo. Then we click on the link. Then you click on biographical writing feedback. Then we click on the link. Then we make a new copy.

Last thing I want you to do for today is I want you to open your doc of your biographical writing, and I want you to take two things you learnt from today and change it. Whether it's style you go through, and you look at and make sure, that with Adolf Hitler, you've spelt it with a capital 'A' and capital 'H' all the way through. Whether it is that you check all your sentences and make sure that you don't repeat the same phrase, or that you punctuate the speech in it correctly.

Student 2:
I'm writing a paragraph about Jesus Christ. And I wrote, Jesus Christ was born on December the 25th in Bethlehem. And if you can see there, our teacher highlighted it and he commented, what year?

Back to Gerard's class - teaching inquiry

Published on: 08 Nov 2012
