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Teaching inquiry: Planning for summative assessment

Planning for my students' needs 

What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help my students learn this? In this teaching inquiry, the teacher uses evidence from research and from their own past practice and that of colleagues to plan teaching and learning opportunities aimed at achieving the outcomes prioritised in the focusing inquiry.

Key questions

  • What standards/outcomes are most appropriate to assess student learning?
  • How might we gather evidence for example, in  portfolios?
  • What opportunities are there for student choice in outcomes and modes of assessment?

Why are these questions important?

The key purpose of assessment is to enhance student learning and the quality of teaching and learning programmes. Assessment also enables the provision of feedback to both parents and learners about learning progress. Assessment is linked to qualifications at secondary school. Assessment should:

  • be worthwhile to your students, accurate, and reliable
  • be understood by your students
  • include students in discussion and negotiation of aims, strategies, and progressions - with you and parents, and with each other
  • support improved learning
  • be seen as positive, rather than a process to be feared
  • have a clear purpose and be valid for that purpose.

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Useful resources

NCEA Standards:

Other Resources:

ESOL learners and literacy


Mastery of literacy in a second language is supported by literacy in the student's first language. Language and literacy knowledge in one language can serve as the foundation for a new language. Dual language books, high interest readers, and in class or withdrawal remediation, can all add to success for literacy learning for ESOL students. Also important is the contribution of whānau and the wider school community, who in many cases are the primary knowledge holders of literacy in a students first language. Social literacies may develop before academic, where language is more formal, restrained, and requires strong subject-specific and technical knowledge.

The following features of effective early literacy programs are recommended: 

1. Oral language and literacy development is supported by the student's first language. 

2. Literacy learning in English is an on-going process that requires time and appropriate support.

3. Instruction and materials are culturally and developmentally appropriate.

4. Literacy programs are meaning-based and balanced.

5. Assessment is reliable, valid, and ongoing. 

6. Professional preparation and development is continually provided for educators regarding linguistic and cultural diversity. 

from  Position Paper on Language and Literacy Development for Young English Language Learners (ages 3-8), Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2010

ESOL learners and literacy in the classroom

Making Language and Learning Work DVD 3 – Visual Arts, Year 5/6.
Using differentiated texts is when a teacher uses different texts with different groups of students rather than the same text with the whole class, while still maintaining the same curriculum learning outcomes. The text choice is based upon the student’s level of English or their first language. Effective differentiation is only possible with good assessment knowledge. Some of the texts used may be bilingual texts in order to support the student’s first language. The use of bilingual texts helps students to make connections to their own prior learning and experience, as well as supporting their first language.

Supporting ESOL students to read independently
School librarian, Kim Bizo explains how the Lexile reading programme supports ESOL students to read independently with comprehension. Parent meetings are provided to explain the programme and provides a useful tool for parents to engage with their child's learning.

Bilingual digital stories
Primary school teacher Bridget Harrison talks about using digital stories to support students with English as a second language.


English Language Learning Progressions
The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) explain what ESOL specialists and mainstream teachers need to know about English language learners. They will help teachers to choose content, vocabulary, and tasks that are appropriate to each learner's age, stage, and language-learning needs. This may include learners for whom English is a first language but who would benefit from additional language support.

Working with ESOL learners with basic literacy needs
An article that examines who ESOL literacy learners are, what skills they may have, and practical ways to help them learn in the classroom.

Bilingual Assessment Service Information
This service enables state and state-integrated schools to access a targeted group of trained Resource Teachers (Learning and Behaviour, RTLBs) to administer bilingual assessments of the learning needs of students from language backgrounds other than English. A bilingual assessment can distinguish between language learning needs, additional special learning needs, and social/emotional needs, through dual assessment in their first language and English.

Funded ESOL students and Special Education services

Migrant and refugee background students with special education needs, including those who receive ESOL funding, are entitled to special education services available in New Zealand schools. They would need to meet the eligibility criteria for that particular service (for example, RTLB and RT Lit support, speech language therapy, ORS funding, Supplementary Learning Support). International fee-paying students are not eligible for these services.

The same applies for ESOL funding. A student who has any kind of special education funding is still eligible for ESOL funding as well, provided they meet the ESOL funding criteria.

Focusing Inquiry: Know your students

What literacy knowledge and skills do my students have in English?

Use multiple sources of information to determine the focus of your inquiry – student voice, assessment information, diagnostic tasks.

  • Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning e-asTTle This is a norm-referenced online tool for assessing reading achievement relevant to levels 2–6 of the curriculum. It provides national norms of performance for students in years 4–12. You may wish to discuss the implications of asTTle results for your learning area with the Literacy Leader in your school.
  • The Assessment Resource Banks : are collections of classroom assessment resources in English, Mathematics, and Science from Curriculum levels 2-5. The username and password to access the ARBs is available from your school. They are intended to support classroom assessment for learning within New Zealand schools. 
  • Subject resources related to NCEA assessments are available - click on the relevant subject page.

What literacy knowledge and skills need to be developed?

  • The Literacy Learning Progressions describe the specific literacy knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students draw on in order to meet the reading and writing demands of the curriculum. Teachers need to ensure that their students develop the literacy expertise that will enable them to engage with the English curriculum at increasing levels of complexity.

NCEA and Literacy

The Government have confirmed the final change package for NCEA, following a comprehensive review of NCEA and  announcement of  seven changes in May 2019.

There are two changes to the original proposed package and they relate to strengthening NCEA’s literacy and numeracy requirements:

  • the new, more robust, literacy and numeracy assessment will be offered to students from Year 9 onwards, rather than from Years 7 and 8
  • in some cases, exceptions to a single literacy and numeracy benchmark qualification without any alternative pathways may be appropriate – particularly for students with English as their second language.

Although no changes to NCEA will be implemented in 2020, the Ministry has started work to progress the changes. We’ll be working alongside teachers and other experts from the education sector, through subject expert groups, to develop the new achievement standards and resources across all NCEA subjects – starting with Level 1. 

The full NCEA change package is available online.

  • Literacy Unit Standards Resources  - These resources have been developed to assist with the planning, implementation and assessment of the level 1 Literacy unit standards.
  • Implementing the literacy unit standards (Word 2007 26KB) - This report prepared by Trish Holden from UC Education Plus investigates how schools are implementing the literacy unit standards in 2011. The report identifies issues, responses from schools, positive aspects and considerations when implementing the standards.


Tomorrow when the war began

Students study several aspects of the novel Tomorrow When the War Began, then plan and write about responses based on a selected aspect.

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer: Mark Osbourne
Year level 11
Who are my learners and what do they already know? See:  Planning using inquiry
School curriculum outcomes How your school’s principles, values, or priorities will be developed through this unit

Learning Outcomes

 (What do my students need to learn)

Curriculum achievement objectives (AOs) for:  

Processes and strategies

Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies purposefully and confidently to identify, form, and express increasingly sophisticated ideas:

  • thinks critically about texts with understanding and confidence
  • creates a range of increasingly varied and complex texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies


Select, develop, and communicate connected ideas on a range of topics.

  • develops and communicates comprehensive ideas, information, and understandings

Language features

Select and use a range of language features appropriately for a variety of effects.

  • uses a wide range of text conventions, including grammatical and spelling conventions, appropriately, effectively, and with accuracy.


Organise texts, using a range of appropriate, effective structures.

  • achieves a sense of coherence and wholeness when constructing texts
Achievement Standard(s) aligned to AO(s) 1.1 Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), using supporting evidence

Teaching and Learning

 (What do I need to know and do?)

1-2 related professional readings or links to relevant research

Effective Practices in Teaching Writing in NZ Secondary Schools [available from February 2011]

Planning using inquiry

English Teaching and Learning Guide [available from February 2011]

Assessment and Examination Rules and Procedures

Learning task 1:

Learning intention(s)

Establishing prior learning and linking it to the text

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Thinking – explore texts

Relate to others – peer discussion

Learning task 1

Exploring the text

  1. Use the internet to locate answers to these questions. Before you begin, select keywords you will use to carry out your search.
    • How many wars has New Zealand been involved in during the last 50 years?
    • Was there any warning before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre Towers in New York? (September 2001)
    • Are there any civil defence guidelines for what to do if New Zealand was attacked by another country?
    • Where is East Timor, who invaded it in 1975, and what was New Zealand's response to this invasion?
  2. Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden is about a group of young people trying to survive after a foreign invasion of Australia. As you read the novel, consider any comparisons you can make between information you located in the pre reading internet search and the text.
  3.  Complete the cloze activity after you finish reading the first chapter.

Learning task 2:

Learning intention(s)

Examining key text aspects

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Thinking – using a range of thinking strategies to build understandings

Learning task 2

Examining plot, setting, character and theme

Plot sequence

Photocopy these events resources and cut them up. In groups, refer to your copies of the novel to put the events in the order in which they occur in the novel.

Plot - building tension

Map key events listed on the plot graph resource to show rising tension within the text.

Being succinct about setting

The broader setting for the novel is modern day Australia. This exercise asks you to clarify exactly what you believe is important and to think carefully about how you express your opinions. Talk about these two questions then develop an answer to each of them within a tight word limit of no more than 25 words for each:

  • How would the novel have been different if it was set in a different time?

  • How would the novel have been different if it was set in a different country?

Understanding characters

  1. Use the profile resource to draw up a list of profiles from the story. Look at all of the major characters (Ellie, Fi, Homer, Chris, Corrie, Lee, Kevin, Robyn).
  2. Choose one of the characters you have created a profile for and examine them in greater depth. Look at the way they develop or change over the course of the novel. Choose one of the characters you think is most important in the novel.
  3. For this character:
    • Identify the kind of person they are at the beginning of the novel. Provide a piece of evidence like a quotation from the novel, or an action that the person undertakes.
    • Identify three steps in their development throughout the novel. Think about behaviours they adopt, new ways of thinking or viewing the world, decisions they make, or things they learn. For each step, identify how they change and provide a piece of evidence for this change. How do you know they have changed?
    • Identify what kind of person they are at the end of the novel. Provide a piece of evidence for how they have changed since the beginning of the novel: a quotation or an action that the person undertakes
    • Comment on why you think they changed. This may be a response to a situation or a challenge, or it may have more to do with what kind of person your character is.
    • Choose the event you believe to be the most important in the novel. Explain how your event does the following:

      • helps to develop character
      • teaches the reader or the character(s) something
      • gets the reader thinking about important ideas behind the novel
      • overcomes a problem for the character


A theme is a "big" idea contained in a text. It should be a generalised statement that has no reference to the actual text.
Using the themes resource, find three events from the novel and identify the themes these events make you think about.

Learning task 3:

Learning intention(s)

Examining key text aspects

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Thinking – close reading

Learning task 3

Close reading - style

One of the reasons Tomorrow When the War Began is so successful as a novel is the way that John Marsden maintains suspense through his writing. Explore exactly how he does this by completing the following activities.

In this passage, the narrator, Elle, is entering a house where she suspects foreign soldiers might be present. This analysis focuses on the passage which begins on P 127 (McMacmillan edition) with "I sidled closer to the door and stood in an awkward position ...... to P 128 "Robyn!" I screamed.” Read the passage a couple of times. The author has created a mood of suspense and tension. He has done this through:

Choice of words

  1. The author's choice of verbs is important in the passage. He creates a sense of tension, stealth and caution though his use of verbs like "sidled", "pressed", "crouched" and "slipping" early in the passage as Elle enters the room. Later Elle's fear is made clear through the use of verbs like "grip the knob".
  2. The author also makes considerable use of adverbs ("silently", "smoothly", "quietly", "desperately") to underscore the fear and tension of the scene. He also uses adjectives such as "dull shapes" and "dreadful confirmation" to provide insight into the Elle's state of mind and "slow, careful step" "creaking board and "soft tread" to stress the tension of the moment and the need for quiet.


  1. The author makes limited use of imagery. When he uses the metaphor "screech of a tortured soul" to compare the sound of the door opening to someone being tortured he is trying to suggest how loud the sound seems to Elle at the same time as he implies the danger she is in.
  2. He uses the simile "I could hear Homer shuffling around, sounding like an old dog trying to get comfortable" to exaggerate the noise Homer was making and also to try to make it clear that this added to Elle's fear.


  1. The sentences, especially at the most tense moments, are mainly short or broken up into shorter phrases with commas. This helps create a tense breathless feel from Elle, underscoring her fear and the tension of the scene.
  2. the idea of the need for quiet and Elle's attempt to be quiet, is repeated throughout the passage in words like "sidled" "silently and smoothly" "slow, careful" "quietly slipping".
  3. The passage build towards the climax of the sound of the gun being cocked.


  1. The author uses the alliterative "silently and smoothly" with the repetition of the 's' helping to establish the idea of stealth and the need for quiet and tension.
  2. He also uses onomatopeia eg: “screech" and "rasped" to depict how loud even small sounds seemed to the nervous Elle.


The only dialogue used is the one word "Robyn!" which together with the "I screamed" and the exclamation mark helps emphasise her panic, her fear of being shot.


  1. Read the sample evaluation of this passage:

    Although written in simple language the passage is mainly successful in depicting the tension felt by the narrator. The short, sometimes staccato sentences, together with the well chosen verbs such as "sidled" and "grip" help us understand her fear and adverbs like "silently and smoothly" and "desperately" are also effective in conveying her state of mind.

    I found the author's choice of images less convincing as I could not imagine how a door opening could sound like "the screech of a tortured soul". Also, to compare Homer to "an old dog trying to get comfortable" in such a tense and dangerous situation, seemed homely, friendly and inappropriate.

    Overall though John Marsden succeeded in making me feel the tension of the scene and the fear of the narrator.

  2. Your teacher will select another short passage. Using the headings above, complete a close reading identifying examples and making comments about meanings and effects.

Thinking Critically

Read this review of the novel
. Identify the key reasons why the reviewer thought the book was excellent. For each reason, decide whether you agree or disagree with the reviewe and provide a piece of evidence (different from examples contained in the review) from the novel to back up your opinion.

Learning task 4:

Learning intention(s)

Drafting and polishing writing.

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Use language, symbols and texts – structure and express understandings about texts

Learning task 4

Developing a piece of formal writing

  1. Develop your responses to this novel in a piece of formal writing. Your writing can be developed and assessed against Achievement Standard 1.5 Produce formal writing. At the end of the year, this work will also become part of preparing for the externally assessed AS 1.1 Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), using supporting evidence. AS 1.1 requires you to show an understanding of a text and support the points you make with relevant examples and details.
  2. In selecting a topic, it is vital that you select one suited to this text and to your understandings about it. As a first step in choosing, reading then responding to a text you have selected, consider the sample topics set in the draft external assessment resources for AS 1.1. Note the highlighted sections: there are two parts to each topic that should be addressed. After describing a key text aspect [like character, setting, language features, or an event], you are asked to comment on why that aspect helped you understand an important idea in the text.
  3. Choose or adapt one of these topics from the sample topics. Use ideas from learning tasks 1 -3 to help develop your response. Follow the writing guide.
  4. Craft a piece of formal writing which will later be assessed as a piece of formal writing for AS 1.5. Write at least 350 words. Support your ideas with specific details from your text.
  5. After completing a first draft, read your piece aloud to help identify parts of the writing that require reworking. Before writing a final version of your piece, proof-read it to improve on technical accuracy. This piece of writing can now be considered for assessment for AS 1.5 Produce formal writing.

Preparing for the external standard 1.1

Look back at the formal writing piece you developed earlier and use it to help prepare for AS 1.1 Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), using supporting evidence. Don’t rote learn this essay then attempt to somehow adapt a learnt essay to a topic in the exam. You will be much better prepared if you familiarise yourself again with the text as well as its ideas and supporting evidence, then adapt your understandings and supporting evidence to fit the requirements of the topics set.

Assessment and Evaluation

 (What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Formative and/or Summative assessment task(s), including how will feedback be provided 1.5 Produce formal writing. Refer to the assessment schedule.

Provision for identifying next learning steps for students who need:

  • further learning opportunities
  • increased challenge

This piece of writing should be an integrated part of the year’s writing programme. Refer to

English Teaching and Learning Guide 

Conditions of Assessment Guidelines for formal writing

Effective Practices in Teaching Writing in NZ Secondary Schools

for more details.

Tools or ideas which, for example might be used to evaluate:

  • progress of the class and groups within it
  • student engagement

leading to :

  • changes to the sequence
  • addressing teacher learning needs
See:  Planning using inquiry

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Speech making

TEACHER Elaine Herbert





7 3-4 8 weeks


Achievement Objective Being Assessed

Learning Outcomes

Interpersonal Speaking  Students will present a speech that holds the interest of their audience using using appropriate pauses, gesture, props, and varying pitch and pace. The material presented will have clear meaning and continuity, and because the material will be carefully practised eye contact with audience will be maintained.
Transactional Writing Students will write confidently, organising and linking ideas logically and making language choices appropriate to the audience according to the "Hamburger" format.


 Listening and Speaking:
Exploring Language
Students will confidently present a speech to their class that shows use of effective speaking techniques, clear organisation of material, and holds the interest of their audience. They will also record, deliver, and then speak in an impromptu manner, a "mini" one minute speech.


Teacher Background Reading


 Select and adapt these learning activities to best meet the needs of your students, and to fit the time available:

Learning task 1

Learning task 2


  1. In table topic assessment (see #8), the evaluator will have specific, previously agreed upon, points to evaluate. These are recorded and show development of achievement objective success in the oral function.
  2. Some of the written material in activity 5 and 6 is evaluated formally (on criteria sheets) by both pupil and teacher.
  3. Prepared speech is written and submitted for assessment by teacher.
  4. Prepared speech is evaluated by pupils and teacher using agreed criteria.
  5. As a school we assess using Essential Skills, in terms of the Achievement Objectives on a five point written criteria:

    Essential Skill - Communication
    Subject Definition - "Identify and discuss language features and their effects; use these features in speaking; and adapt them to the topic, purpose and audience."

     1. Attempts to give a speech to an audience.
     2. Prepares a speech and attempts to deliver it.
     3. Presents a prepared speech confidently, using cue cards.
     4. Presents a well researched, well structured speech confidently.
     5. As for (4) including strong audience appeal.

    Essential Skill - Information
    "Organise, analyse, synthesise and use information."

     1. Attempts to write a speech but is incomplete.
     2. Writes a speech with a beginning, middle and end.
     3. As for (2) with evidence of research.
     4. Researched a topic, attempted to edit and rework text, conveying ideas logically.
     5. Has researched the topic thoroughly, organising and linking ideas logically to express ideas appropriate to the audience.

    Essential Skill - Social and Co-operative
    "Take responsibility as a member of a group for jointly decided actions and decisions."

     1. Takes part only when called upon.
     2. Occasionally generates ideas and follows through with actions for joint decisions.
     3. Frequently generates ideas and follows through with actions for joint decisions.
     4. For (3) but also uses the group decisions to assess self and others.
     5. Pro-actively assesses self and others along joint decisions, getting optimum advancement from group decisions.



  • Murphy, Sally. (1997) Speak Out. Ready-Ed Publications
    Stuttard, Marie. (1994) Power of Speech. David Bateman Ltd


Learning task 2: Making kites

Design and build a kite

Build, construct a kite, reading and following the instructions. Draw a kite to scale. Decorate by painting, printing, and collage.


  • How a kite flies.
  • How, when, where to fly a kite - wind.

Chart responses, use procedural text form (English Online).

Set up area where there are instructions and materials for kite making. Students may choose to work individually or in pairs. Display kites with comments from the students on how they made their kite, problems and how they solved them, and how well they were able to follow the directions.

Come, fly the kites!

Record kite flying experiences. Set up a website so that students can record their experiences using this computer technology. Alternatively, students could use a drawing program to draw and record their experiences kite flying.

Create a class book "Kites" poems, stories, and illustrations.

  • Origin of kites.
  • Kite festivals.
  • Kites of other counties.
  • Famous people who used kite flying to solve scientific problems (Ben Franklin, Wright Brothers).
  • Flight aerodynamics
  • Design and make your own kite. Write instructions on how to make this kite.

Students to design a kite shape and present their independent work on this shape to hang in the class.

From history to idiom – D Day

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer: Helen Nicholls
Send feedback about this resource
Overview This unit is written for secondary English language learners to develop specific reading skills as a scaffold to NZ Curriculum learning area achievement objectives. It focuses on identifying main events, the use of idioms and other language features in the context of a historical recount.

Learning Outcomes

(What do my students need to learn?)

What are my students’ current strengths and learning needs?

Use previous reading assessments (e.g. asTTle or PAT scores, ESOL unit standard assessments, PROBE assessments, formative assessments) alongside The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) reading matrix to establish the level at which students are working and their current strengths and needs. Resources from the Assessment Resource Bank (ARB) can also be valuable for this purpose e.g. identify the main idea at levels 3-4.

Curriculum Links Assessment Links
Learning area: English (ESOL)

Students could be assessed formatively or summatively using the following ESOL unit standard:

Unit standard 27983: Read and understand simple texts on familiar topics (expired)

Focus: Written language 

English: Reading

AO L4:


Show an increasing understanding of ideas within texts

Language features

Show an increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within texts

English Language Learning Progressions:

Students will be working at ELLP stage 2.

English Language Intensive Programme:

Students will work with a sample text at ELIP stage 2.

Key Competencies: all five with particular emphasis on:

Using language, symbols and text: to identify main ideas and understand how idiom and other language features are used for effect in a historical recount


Specific learning outcomes:

Students will be able to:

  • identify the main events in a historical recount
  • know and explain the meaning of an idiom
  • follow a lexical chain though a historical recount
  • identify pronoun referents in a historical recount
  • identify different types of verb processes in a historical recount
Language learning outcomes

Key vocabulary:

idiom, idiomatic phrase, headword, lexical chain, pronoun reference, pronoun referent, verb processes, linking verbs, action verbs, mental verbs, saying verbs


figurative and literal language


chronological sequencing

See also:

Features of text forms – Recounts

ELIP stage 2 sample historical recount genre texts with language features annotated:

John F. Kennedy (3d); Captain James Cook (9c)

Suggested Duration 2 weeks

Teaching and Learning

(What do I need to know and do?)

Teacher background reading:

lexical chains

Learning task 1

Learning task 2

Learning task 3

Assessment and Evaluation

(What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Students could be formatively assessed using ESOL US 2969 with another stage 2 ELIP historical recount e.g. Captain James Cook – A New Arrival (9c)

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This topic is broken into 3 subtopics – click on a link to see the activities in each subtopic:

In each subtopic, students:

  • listen, look, read and talk to establish familiarity with the context
  • are introduced to 20 target words
  • practise recognising and producing the written and spoken forms of each word
  • relate form and meaning
  • practise recognising the environment in which the words usually occur
  • use the words in new contexts.

Topic objective

  • Recognise and use specialist and general vocabulary relevant in the study of plants.
  • Read and listen in order to understand and respond to simple texts about plants.
  • Talk about plants.
  • Write simple texts about plants.
  • Recognise and respond to simple question forms.

What you need

  • Audio player
  • Scissors
  • Felt pens or coloured pencils
  • Glue
  • Poster paper
  • A quiet space where students feel comfortable listening and speaking
  • A range of easy factual readers
  • Bilingual dictionaries
  • Grammars and dictionaries for teacher reference

Monitoring and recording student progress

You can monitor and record student progress using the examples of good assessment practice in the English language learning progressions.
