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Ministry of Education.

Assessment Schedule 90374, 2.5

  • The same standard of oral presentation is required at each achievement level for both the old and new achievement standards.
  • The criteria from the old standard have been matched alongside their replacement criteria in the new standards.
Achievement criteria 90374
From 2012:
Achievement criteria 2.5
Achievement with Merit criteria 90374
From 2012:
Achievement with Merit criteria 2.5
Achievement with Excellence criteria 90374
From 2012:
Achievement with Excellence criteria 2.5
  • Communicate straightforward ideas.
  • Develop, sustain and structure ideas in an oral text.
  • Communicate developed ideas.
  • Develop, sustain and structure ideas convincingly in an oral text.
  • Communicate fully developed ideas.
  • Develop, sustain, integrate and structure ideas effectively in an oral text.
  • Use appropriate oral and visual language and presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose.
  •  Present material clearly.
  • Use oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose in a crafted and controlled oral text..
  • Combine appropriate oral and visual language and presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose.
  • Present material coherently and confidently.
  • Use oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose to create effects in a crafted and controlled oral text.
  • Integrate appropriate oral and visual language and presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose.
  •  Present material coherently and confidently in ways that are striking or innovative.
  • Use oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose to command attention in a crafted and controlled oral text.
Judgements for Achievement Judgements for Achievement with Merit Judgements for Achievement with Excellence

The student produces one oral presentation at least four minutes in length.

In that presentation, the student:

  • develops ideas that show an understanding of key aspects of the text.
  •  deliberately uses appropriate oral language features to create meaning, effect and to sustain interest.

The student:

As for achievement, plus:

  • develops and structures ideas in a generally credible and connected way
  •  deliberately selects appropriate oral language features.

The student:

As for merit, plus:

  • develops, sustains and structures ideas in a compelling or persuasive way
  •  selects and uses oral language features in a confident, articulate and sustained way.
Evidence for Achievement Evidence for Merit Evidence for Excellence
Selected exemplars on the Level 2 NCEA Speeches and Performances video. Selected exemplars on the Level 2 NCEA Speeches and Performances video. Selected exemplars on the Level 2 NCEA Speeches and Performances video.

Published on: 02 Dec 2010
