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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.


Teacher Bronwen Thomas





1 1 3 weeks


Achievement Objective Being Assessed

Learning Outcomes

Close Reading  Respond to meanings and ideas in narrative, recount and poetic texts.
Viewing  Respond to meanings and ideas expressed by the illustrations.


 Reading and Writing:
Exploring Language
 Recognise and be able to name some features of the following genres - narrative, recount, poem.
 Viewing and Presenting:
Thinking Critically
 Able to discuss illustrations with reference to their placement in text, size, relationship to the story.

Supporting Achievement Objective

Learning Outcomes

 Poetic Writing
Transactional Writing
 Write and illustrate a teddy text using a range of technology (these texts may be recount, poem or narrative as explored in reading component).


Teacher Background Reading

Teaching and learning activities

Select and adapt these learning activities to best meet the needs of your students, and to fit the time available:

Learning task 1

Learning task 2

Curriculum Links

Maths - Height of bears, seriate bears. Graph bear information. Mapping route to Goldilock's house.

Art - stuffed calico teddybears.

Technology - teddybear waistcoats for picnic, construct a bear house.

Links for Students


All assessment is based on work done during the activities listed. Notes may be kept on each child to be refered to later when making a summative assesssment.

The teacher observes and assesses the students' understanding of the role illustrations play in books and their understanding of narrative, recount and and poems throughout the unit.

assessment-1 (RTF 6KB)
exemplars (RTF 5KB)




  • Look for Old Bear stories on video and audio cassette at local library.
  • Poems

Published on: 07 May 2009
