Use a writing frame to help you write about your understandings that reach 'beyond the text' and to make comments about what your text had shown or taught you.
Look over Exemplar A again for further ideas for starter statements as you use this writing frame to write about your text. Base your writing around one or more of the level three statements you have developed about your extended text. Write the statement[s] you have selected here:
Use or adapt the following starters to develop your writing:
An important idea [or link the opening words specifically to your topic] in Your text's title is that... [develop over at least two to three sentences.]
Second paragraph:
This idea can be seen in ... [develop over at least five sentences. Build in specific details from your text which helped highlight the idea. Make a link to your introduction.]
Third and subsequent paragraphs:
Later in the text, this idea can be seen when... [develop over at least five sentences. Build in specific details from your text which helped highlight the idea. Make a second link to your introduction.
At this stage in your writing, you could consider including comments that go ‘beyond the text’ to indicate what the text has shown you]
I think that Your text's title shows that ... [make a final comment to reaffirm what your text has taught or shown you. Write at least three sentences.]
Published on: 25 Nov 2010