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Who's telling the story

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer Marie Stribling
Year level 11
Suggested duration Ongoing over two or three terms
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Overview This activity focuses on teaching students about how and why authors use different narrative perspectives in their texts. It also models how they can explain the narrative perspective connection across texts.
Learning area(s) English

Learning Outcomes

(What do my students need to learn?)

  • Making text to text connections
  • Identifying different types of narrative perspective
  • Analysing the effect of using an innocent narrator
  • Identifying a narrative perspective connection across texts
  • Explaining the narrative perspective connection across texts
Curriculum achievement objectives for: Level 6
  • Makes meaning by understanding comprehensive ideas
  • Makes connections by interpreting ideas within and between texts from a range of contexts
  • Understands that authors have different voices and identifies and can explain these differences

Teaching and Learning

(What do I need to know and do?)

Professional readings

"Making connections across texts" by Susan Davis Lenski

(accessible through doing a search for the above title on the Masterfile Premier database of TKI Epic databases- see your school librarian for your school’s logon and password)

Learning task 1 - Making text to text connections
Learning task 2 - Identifying different types of narrative perspective
Learning task 3 - Analysing the effect of using an innocent narrator
Learning task 4 - Identifying a narrative perspective connection across texts
Learning task 5 - Explaining a significant connection across texts

Assessment and Evaluation

(What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Summative assessment task(s), including how will feedback be provided

This assessment activity focuses on the narrative perspective connection. Students will use up to three of the texts which they have ‘read’ in class, and one text that they have chosen independently, to present a report (of at least 350 -400 words) which explains the narrative perspective connection across the four texts. Their explanation will be supported with at least one specific detail from each text. See exemplars (Word 48KB) .

Students will need guidance in their choice of independent text to ensure that their text is at an appropriate level.

Provision for identifying next learning steps for students who need:

  • further learning opportunities
  • increased challenge

Students could be encouraged keep a log of different types of connections so that they have the opportunity for further learning and assessment opportunities

As an extension exercise students could explore some texts which are connected through having a contrasting narrative perspective

Tools or ideas which, for example might be used to:

  • evaluate progress of the class and groups within it
  • evaluate student engagement

leading to:

  • changes to the sequence
  • addressing teacher learning needs

Introductory table – identifying and recording text to text connections
Extracts from texts -texts table
"Once" table
inference chart (Word 30KB)

The focus of this unit is to help students progress from an overall understanding of the concept of text- to-text connections to an understanding of one particular way that texts can be connected (through using a similar narrative perspective). Teachers may choose to encourage individual students to identify and explain another type of text- to -text connection (as discussed in learning task 1).

Printing this unit:

If you are not able to access the zipped files, please download the following individual files.

Published on: 25 Dec 2010
