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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Dr Livingstone, I presume?

Teacher Anne Girven





7-8 4 6 weeks


Achievement Objective Being Assessed

Learning Outcomes

Transactional Writing  Write factual accounts, organising and linking ideas logically. Apply a range of skills to gather information, eg. skim rereading, note taking, summarising information.
Social Studies
Place and Environment 4.2
Why and how people find out about places and environments.
 Identify different reasons people have for finding out about places and environments.


 Processing Information  Gather, select and present coherent information from a variety of sources, using different technologies.
 Thinking Critically  Discuss and convey meanings in texts, exploring relevant experiences and other points of view.
Social Studies
 Inquiry Plan questions, collect, process and communicate information through the presentation of a brochure, a fact file or using PowerPoint.

Supporting Achievement Objective

Learning Outcomes

 Close Reading Discuss language, meanings, and ideas in a range of texts. Extract, compare and contrast relevant information from a variety of sources.
 Interpersonal Speaking  Report the results of research/inquiry to the class coherently, in small or large groups organising the information effectively.
 Poetic Writing Write a diary/log (Dr Livingstone) expressing ideas and experiences imaginatively, using appropriate vocabulary and conventions, shaping, editing and reworking text.



 The aim of this unit is for the students to develop information research study skills through shared, guided and independent reading programmes - gathering and ordering information, question setting, resource selection, skim reading, note taking, summarising, and use of electronic resources, eg. CD ROM/Internet. See:

  • Gwen Gawith - Action Learning (Longman Paul 1988)

Teacher background reading

Teaching and learning activities

Select and adapt these learning activities to best meet the needs of your students, and to fit the time available:

Learning task 1

Learning task 2

Learning task 3

Links for students

Collaborative online projects:


Assessment task

 Explain to the students the assessment indicators for this task. Groups then decide upon three or four key questions they want answered:

  • How and why people find out about places.
  • The reasons people have for these expeditions.
  • The challenges/problem faced.

The students will conference with the teacher to ensure that the questions are not so specific or closed that the research process is invalidated or so broad as to be unmanageable. Information is to be presented in small groups using, eg. PowerPoint, OHT, fact file or a brochure.

self_assessment (RTF 11KB)
assessment (RTF 9KB)

See also:

Published on: 01 Jun 2009
