Learning task 1
Learning intention(s)
We are learning to make text- to- text connections.
KCs/Principles/Values focus
Relate to others – work collaboratively
Think – make connections; predict; use visual literacy skills; use graphic organiser to organise thinking and see connections; think about thinking Use language, symbols and texts- understand visual cues
- Make a class visit to the library or show students a range of bookcovers. Ask them to find three books whose covers suggest that there may be a connection between these texts. Class members share their ideas/ predictions about possible connections and the reasons for choosing. Alternatively students could check out some book covers online. (This type of connection is likely to be a subject/ theme connection or it may be a character or setting connection.)
- Collect a range of DVD covers or have students view these DVD covers online DVD 1; DVD 2; DVD 3; DVD 4. List at least three different ways that these texts may be connected.
- Ask students to focus on a class text ‘read’ recently in class. This may be a written, oral or visual text. Brainstorm on board any connections they can make between that text and another text (written/ oral/ visual) the class has ‘read’. For example, is the connection a type of character or group of characters which is similar in each text? Is it something about the plot? Do they both have characters who fall in love? Do they have a similar setting?.....
- Ask students to think about the connection between one or both of those class texts and at least one text they have ‘read’ independently. It could be a book or graphic novel they’ve read, a movie they’ve viewed or a song they’ve heard.
- Ask students to complete introductory table which combines their results from tasks 3 and 4 above.
- As an extension, students could collaborate in groups on a poster which shows some different types of connections across texts.
- Discuss with students: What does ‘connections’ mean? It could mean that the texts are connected because they have similar aspects, or it could mean that they are connected because they have contrasting aspects. Brainstorm some titles of texts which are connected because they have contrasting aspects to the texts already identified and discussed. Add these texts to the introductory table and highlight them to show that they are texts which have a connection because they are contrasting.
Ask students to share their results and to discuss in groups why we might want to explore connections between texts. How can this type of exploration help us with ‘reading’ and interpreting texts? What are some possible advantages of thinking about how texts are connected?
Another significant connection across texts which students may not have discussed so far is a narrative perspective connection.
Published on: 25 Dec 2010