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English Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 3 - Examine an exemplar

Learning intention(s)

Students will be able to:

  • identify the main ideas in the exemplar
  • describe the language features in the exemplar and their effects.

a) The following visual exposition exemplar is based on the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. The visual exposition focuses on specific themes from the play and has been created without sound effects, voiceover or music.

While reading the exposition for the first time, consider the ideas it communicates and record the pressures that were faced by Romeo and Juliet.

NOTE: This should be viewed in 1080p for maximum clarity of text.

Record the colours and images that were associated with these pressures.

  • How was layout (where things were placed) used to associated particular images with ideas and other objects in the panels?
  • Why do you think these colours and images were chosen? How might viewers respond to them?
  • What other visual language features were there in the exposition and how did they communicate ideas from “Romeo and Juliet?”
  • Write a short phrase that describes the themes that were presented in the visual exposition.
  • Overall, what do you think were the most effective aspects of the exposition?
  • How could it be improved?

b) Read over the annotation for the exemplar (Word 33KB) and discuss the techniques that stood out.

c) This exemplar has no sound effects, music or voice-over to create effects and communicate further meaning. There are a number of ways these techniques could be incorporated into the text.

Explain how you could use voice-over, music and/or sound effects to further communicate the ideas from “Romeo and Juliet.”

Published on: 20 Aug 2011
