Making the right connections
Connectives can be used for a range of purposes to develop your ideas in a feature article:
to introduce or explain another point of view:
- ‘however’
- ‘unlike’
- ‘whereas’
- ‘on the other hand’
- ‘alternatively’
- ‘instead of’
- ‘rather than’
- ‘although’
- ‘from a different point of view’
- ‘unlike’
- ‘yet’
- ‘but’
to present an additional point or show a connection:
- ‘furthermore’
- ‘besides’
- ‘in addition’
- ‘as well as’
- ‘also’
- ‘besides’
- ‘therefore’
- ‘as a result’
- ‘because’
- ‘consequently’
to emphasise a point:
- ‘most of all’
- ‘especially’
- ‘significantly’
- ‘in particular’
- ‘most importantly’
Published on: 17 Jan 2011