Anticipation/reaction guide
The Population Explosion
Read the statements below. Beside each statement write an A if you think it is true or agree with the statement. Write a B if you disagree with the statement.
- The population of the world is shrinking.
- By 2050 the population of the world will be approximately 9 billion people.
- The population is only growing because people can’t stop having babies.
- It is common for people to move to the country when a city becomes too crowded.
- Many countries spend aid money on war and weapons rather than feeding or helping the people.
- In many places the land can no longer produce or grow crops so people are dying.
- Cities use 60% of world water resources but only cover 2% of the land.
- Increasing population leads to greater poverty.
- By 2015 the largest cities in the world will be Tokyo, Mumbai (India), Lagos (Nigeria), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Dhaka (Bangladesh).
- By improving the wealth of a country the living standards will improve.
Published on: 15 Dec 2010